Views from Youtube Ads
With over 2.3 billion active users, YouTube is a powerful platform to promote your business. However, with so much competition and new content uploaded every day, getting your videos to be seen can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several YouTube metrics that you can use to understand your performance and optimize your ads for better results.
YouTube video ad views are one of the most important metrics to track. This metric shows how many times viewers have watched your video on YouTube and across the Google Display Network (GDN). A view is counted each time someone watches your ad for at least 30 seconds on their smartphone, tablet, game console, or desktop. Go here
Thumbs Up! The Power of YouTube Likes in Boosting Engagement
In addition to views, other key YouTube advertising metrics include ad engagement and brand lift. Ad engagement is the number of actions people take after seeing your video ad, such as likes, subscriptions, or shares. This metric is particularly important for video ads because it provides an indication of how well your ad message resonates with viewers.
For non-skippable video ads, the ad clicks metric is also important. These metrics indicate how many people clicked on your ad to learn more or make a purchase. A ad click is more valuable than a view because it takes the viewer to your website or landing page where you can convert them into customers. This is why it is important to have a clear and compelling call-to-action in your video ad.